Are you the prepared traveler?
The prepared traveler goes to their local library and spends the afternoon reading everything they can get their hands on about their destination. They study maps, talk to friends who have been there, and send emails to the embassy.
They end up knowing more about their destination then the locals. They know the history, the culture, when the Japanese invaded and the name of the president’s current mistress. It is an obsession - they need to know everything. Before they step on the airplane they know more about where they are going then about where they have lived for the past 20 years.
These people come prepared. They go to their local bank and exchange currency, they go to the doctor and ask if they need special shots, they research the types of foods served and bring the right amount of stomach relieving pills.
Most likely if you are reading this blog you are the prepared traveler. You are doing research about Philippines so that when you arrive you will know how old the San Agustin Church is and how much a metro ticket costs. You do not want surprises - you want to be ready.
Are You The ‘Surprise Me’ Traveler?
Sometimes the surprise me traveler does not even know what country they are in. They choose a destination by spinning the globe. They pack a passport, pair of socks, underwear, toothbrush, jeans, t-shirt and a sweater. Depending on the temperature when they arrive they will either put on the sweater or take off their shirt.
They do absolutely no research about their destination. They want everything to be a surprise. They want to come out of the airport wide eyed and confused. The first question they ask is “do you accept dollars?” The second question is to the taxi driver, “what do people do around here for fun”.
If you come to Philippines with only a toothbrush in hand you will do fine. You can buy everything you need here. And if you are so inclined you can even buy a guidebook. There are markets and even modern malls where you can buy a fresh pair of socks and a hairbrush. And not that you are worried, but there are lots of hotels so finding a vacant one will not be a problem.
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